During the trailer launch, Utkarsh opened up about the strong influence his father has had on his life and career. "As a son, personally, I always wanted to be like my father," he said, reflecting on the admiration he holds for Anil Sharma. "Perhaps every son feels this way – that his father is his greatest hero," Utkarsh added, emphasizing the profound respect he has for his father, not only for his professional success and talent but also for the kind of person he is.
Utkarsh shared that his father's qualities and his approach to life are what continue to inspire him. "It's not just about his success or his talent, but also about the kind of person he is – that's what inspires me," he said.
He further added, “He would be proud if I stay a good human or become a good human."
The actor also spoke about the personal relationship he shares with his parents, describing it as deeply connected and emotionally close. "The bond between parents and children is beyond wealth and material things. For me, their love and support are the most important," he said. The bond he shares with his parents has always been one of understanding and unspoken communication. "I never have to tell my mother anything. She just understands," Utkarsh smiled, describing how his mother intuitively understands him, no matter the situation.
However, Utkarsh's character in Vanvaas presents a stark contrast to the warmth and closeness he feels with his own parents. "In the film, my character is a bit contradictory," he revealed. "That was the challenge – to find the distance with the parents, because in real life, I am very close to mine."
The film, directed by Anil Sharma featuring Nana Patekar, Utkarsh Sharma and Simrat Kaur is set to release on December 20, 2024.
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