"Waack Girls" is a beautiful, light-hearted comedy show celebrating women empowerment," Anasua said, talking about the premise of the show. She emphasized that the show is not only about the spirit of women supporting each other but also about showcasing wacking, a dance style that she believes is fresh and exciting for Indian audiences. "It’s something fresh, new, and it’s a historic moment for our country because there's never been a show about wacking in the world before! If you watch our show, I’m sure you’ll binge it, and you won’t regret it!" she added with enthusiasm. The show offers a unique mix of humor, empowerment, and dance, making it a one-of-a-kind experience for viewers.
Anasua expressed her immense excitement about the show finally being released, especially after two years of hard work. "I am very excited that after two years of hard work, it has been released. All the departments have worked really hard on this show, and it is finally out now," she said. The journey to bring Waack Girls to life was a long one, but Anasua is thrilled to see it finally come to fruition, knowing the impact it will have in showcasing a dance form that is rarely explored in mainstream media.
Reflecting on her own journey, Anasua shared how dancing has been a part of her life since she was just three years old. "I’ve been a dancer since the age of 3, and dancing is second nature to me," she said. However, acting was something that happened unexpectedly. "Acting, on the other hand, just happened, and I fell in love with it," she confessed. Despite coming from a classical dance background where expression is key, Anasua believes that her deep connection to acting stemmed from her experience with dance. "When I got my first show, I instantly fell in love with the camera. I’m a creative person, and I love being on screen, off screen, and in the creative field," she added, revealing her passion for storytelling and the entertainment world.
As Waack Girls makes its debut, Anasua's excitement and energy are palpable. With its empowering message, fresh narrative, and the introduction of wacking as a cultural phenomenon, the show is poised to capture the attention of viewers and create a lasting impact. Anasua’s journey from classical dance to acting is a testament to her versatility and passion for creative expression, and Waack Girls is just the latest chapter in her promising career.
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