“Ella” follows the enchanting tale of two fishermen who discover a mermaid, leading to the birth of her offspring, Ella. As a nature lover, Ella befriends a rare tortoise, setting off a chain of events steeped in myth and adventure. The plot thickens as Ella's daughter becomes the center of attention, with various characters seeking the elusive tortoise, known for its extraordinary qualities.
The film features a talented cast, including Isha Talwar, Makarand Deshpande, and Saranya Sharma, each bringing depth and charisma to their roles. Their performances are sure to enhance the film's magical narrative.
Produced by Pratheek Shetty, Kishor Kumar, Uday Shetty, and Wolsey Tauro, with co-production by Yavnish Adlakha, “Ella” aims to transport audiences into a world filled with wonder and excitement. The theatrical release is handled by Platoon Distribution, ensuring a wide reach for this enchanting fable.
Fans can catch a glimpse of the enchanting world of “Ella” in the trailer available here. With its unique storyline and captivating visuals, the film is poised to become a must-see for fantasy enthusiasts.
As anticipation builds for its release, “Ella” promises to be a delightful cinematic experience, blending heartwarming themes with the allure of the fantastical. Mark your calendars for November 8, 2024, and get ready to embark on this magical journey!
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