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dearALICE members describe Intense K-Pop training experience (Video)

Members of the group dearALICE say the K-pop boot camp they underwent at SM Entertainment's headquarters in Seoul was "intense" and reveal the challenges they faced over three months.
#dearalice #kpop #shorts

dearALICE members describe Intense K-Pop training experience (Video)

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dearALICE members describe Intense K-Pop training experience (Video)

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dearALICE members describe Intense K-Pop training experience (Video)
dearALICE members describe Intense K-Pop training experience (Video)

Members of the group dearALICE say the K-pop boot camp they underwent at SM Entertainment's headquarters in Seoul was "intense" and reveal the challenges they faced over three months. #dearalice #kpop #shorts