In the video, Akshay is seen managing the kite’s string while Paresh lends a helping hand, showcasing their great chemistry off-screen as much as they do on-screen. Akshay wrote, "Celebrating the colourful and vibrant spirit of Makar Sankranti with my dear friend Paresh Rawal on the sets of Bhoot Bangla. With laughter, good energy, and wishes to fly high like kites." He also extended his warm wishes for Pongal, Uttarayan, and Bihu, making the post all the more heartfelt.
Fans of the iconic duo were thrilled to see them together again after their memorable collaborations in films like Hera Pheri, OMG, and Garam Masala. Their on-screen chemistry has always been a hit, and the behind-the-scenes video only added to the excitement surrounding their upcoming horror-comedy film. The duo’s lighthearted moment on set reminded fans why their pairing is beloved, adding extra anticipation for the film's release.
Bhoot Bangla is a horror-comedy directed by Priyadarshan, known for blending suspense and humor seamlessly. The film marks Akshay Kumar’s return to the genre, and fans are eagerly awaiting his dynamic pairing with Paresh Rawal. Produced by Balaji Telefilms in association with Cape of Good Films, the movie promises to offer plenty of laughs and thrills. Alongside Akshay and Paresh, the film also stars an ensemble cast, and its release on 2nd April 2026 is highly anticipated. With its unique mix of horror and comedy, Bhoot Bangla is expected to be a crowd-pleaser.
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