Patna: Lok Sabha MP Rajesh Ranjan, alias Pappu Yadav, blocks Dakbungalow Chauraha during the ‘Bihar Bandh’ , demanding the cancellation of the 70th Integrated Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (CCE), 2024, conducted by the BPSC over allegations of a question paper leak, in Patna on Sunday, January 12, 2025. (Photo: IANS)
Patna: Lok Sabha MP Rajesh Ranjan, alias Pappu Yadav, blocks Dakbungalow Chauraha during the ‘Bihar Bandh’ , demanding the cancellation of the 70th Integrated Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (CCE), 2024, conducted by the BPSC over allegations of a question paper leak, in Patna on Sunday, January 12, 2025. (Photo: IANS)
Patna: Lok Sabha MP Rajesh Ranjan, alias Pappu Yadav, blocks Dakbungalow Chauraha during the ‘Bihar Bandh’ , demanding the cancellation of the 70th Integrated Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (CCE), 2024, conducted by the BPSC over allegations of a question paper leak, in Patna on Sunday, January 12, 2025. (Photo: IANS)
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