Anurag Kashyap, who’s known for his intense and powerful films, took to social media to wish his daughter a happy birthday. In a sentimental post, he shared throwback pictures with Aaliyah and lovingly referred to her as “now married one,” writing, “Happy Birthday to my, now married one @aaliyahkashyap.” The post was a heartwarming reflection of his pride in watching his daughter grow and start her own journey with Shane.
On the other hand, Shane Gregoire, who tied the knot with Aaliyah, shared a gorgeous photo with his wife and penned the sweetest message. He called Aaliyah “the woman with the most pure heart of gold,” and wrote, “Happy birthday to my beautiful wife, @aaliyahkashyap.” It’s clear from his message that he holds Aaliyah close to his heart, cherishing their life together as a couple.
Khushi Kapoor, the young actress and Aaliyah’s close friend, also joined in on the birthday celebrations. She shared a collage of pictures of the two of them and wished Aaliyah with the sweetest words: “Happy Birthday my angel @aaliyahkashyap.” The love and warmth in Khushi’s message highlighted their close bond and shared moments of joy.
It’s evident that Aaliyah is surrounded by love and support from all corners, with both family and friends expressing how much she means to them on her special day. The celebration was not only a birthday but also a reflection of the wonderful relationships that Aaliyah has cultivated in her life. We wish Aaliyah a year full of love, happiness, and success!
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