The actor recalled a pivotal moment from their early friendship, when Nandy, known for his bold and fearless approach, had planned a cover shoot for Illustrated Weekly. When Kapoor felt uncomfortable with the shoot, Nandy immediately scrapped the idea, saying, "If you're not happy, I won't publish it." Kapoor reflected on how that simple but powerful gesture marked the beginning of a lifelong friendship built on trust and mutual respect. "That moment stayed with me forever," he wrote, adding, "It was a reflection of the man he was — someone who always put people over everything else."
Nandy's ability to make people feel seen and respected was a hallmark of his character, and it’s clear that his influence extended far beyond his professional achievements. Kapoor expressed how much he will miss Nandy's presence, his voice, and the fearless spirit he brought to every project he touched.
In a final, touching tribute, Kapoor extended his heartfelt condolences to Nandy's family, highlighting the profound impact his late friend had on both the film industry and the lives of those who knew him.
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