Chhaava is a historical drama based on the life of Sambhaji Maharaj, portrayed by Vicky Kaushal. The film is an adaptation of the renowned Marathi novel Chhava by Shivaji Sawant, which explores the remarkable life and struggles of the Maratha king. Directed by Laxman Utekar and produced by Dinesh Vijan under the Maddock Films banner, the film is expected to be a visual spectacle, steeped in the rich history of India’s Maratha Empire.
Alongside Kaushal, the film features an impressive cast including Rashmika Mandanna, who plays a key role, and Akshaye Khanna, who is also part of the ensemble. The film promises intense action sequences, powerful performances, and a gripping narrative of courage and legacy.
Pre-production for Chhaava began in April 2023, with filming kicking off in October 2023. The film’s production is set to conclude by May 2024, with a theatrical release planned for 14th February 2025, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Adding to the excitement, the film’s score and soundtrack are being composed by none other than A. R. Rahman, with lyrics penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Given Rahman’s musical prowess, fans are eagerly awaiting the album, which is expected to be nothing short of extraordinary.
As Vicky Kaushal and Laxman Utekar begin their promotional journey for Chhaava, the anticipation surrounding the film continues to build. With its grand scale, historical importance, and stellar cast, Chhaava is poised to be one of the most talked-about releases in 2025.
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