Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar inaugurates the award distribution ceremony for individuals who provided information on illegal mining under the Mines and Geology Department, in Patna, Thursday, January 02, 2024. Deputy CMs Vijay Kumar Sinha and Samrat Choudhary are also present. (Photo: IANS)
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar inaugurates the award distribution ceremony for individuals who provided information on illegal mining under the Mines and Geology Department, in Patna, Thursday, January 02, 2024. Deputy CMs Vijay Kumar Sinha and Samrat Choudhary are also present. (Photo: IANS)
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy CMs Vijay Kumar Sinha and Samrat Choudhary attend the award distribution ceremony for individuals who provided information on illegal mining organised by the Mines and Geology Department, in Patna on Thursday, January 02, 2024. (Photo: IANS)
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Deputy CM Vijay Kumar Sinha attend the award distribution ceremony for individuals who provided information on illegal mining organised by the Mines and Geology Department, in Patna on Thursday, January 02, 2024. (Photo: IANS)
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