Honey Singh, known for his chart-topping hits, teased his followers with a post on social media, announcing the arrival of Sheesha Wali Chunni "on public demand." The caption read: "Sheeshe wali chunni On public demand coming soon featuring @shehnaazgill @girikaman #yoyohoneysingh #haryanvi". With Shehnaaz Gill joining him on this project, the collaboration is bound to create a massive buzz. The Sheesha Wali Chunni track is expected to deliver the perfect blend of catchy tunes and a vibrant Haryanvi flavor, with Shehnaaz adding her charm and energy to the mix.
Fans of Shehnaaz Gill, who recently made her Bollywood debut with Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, are in for more than just music. The actress has also announced her upcoming film Ik Kudi, set to hit theaters on June 13. This shows Shehnaaz's versatility as she continues to explore both music and acting, while Honey Singh remains a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.
With a Haryanvi track that promises to shake up the airwaves, Sheesha Wali Chunni is one to watch out for. Stay tuned for what could be the next big anthem of the year!
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