Directed by P Mahesh Babu, the film is expected to be a refreshing change of pace for both the director and the actor. P Mahesh Babu’s previous film, Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty, was a hit, receiving accolades for its unique blend of humor and drama. This success has heightened expectations for his next project, especially with someone like Ram Pothineni in the lead. The film will be bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers, the powerhouse production house that’s been behind some of the biggest blockbusters in recent years.
For Ram, this marks a significant comeback after his last outing in Double iSmart, the sequel to iSmart Shankar (2019). While the film received a lukewarm response from audiences and critics alike, RAPO22 promises a whole new vibe—one of fun, fresh energy, and captivating storytelling. The project has generated even more buzz after it was announced that filming will begin in November 2024. With the right blend of humor and drama, and a stellar cast (details still under wraps), it looks like 2025 is going to be a great year for Ram Pothineni fans!
Fans are already counting down the days to that exciting update on January 1st. Could this be the film that marks a major turning point in Ram Pothineni’s career? We’ll find out soon enough, but one thing’s for sure—the winds of change are blowing, and we can’t wait to see where it takes us. #RAPO22 is ready to make its mark in 2025!
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