Mumbai: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde pays his last respects to Satish Pradhan, the first mayor of Thane Municipal Corporation and senior Shiv Sena leader, who passed away due to old age, in Mumbai on Monday, December 30, 2024. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde pays his last respects to Satish Pradhan, the first mayor of Thane Municipal Corporation and senior Shiv Sena leader, who passed away due to old age, in Mumbai on Monday, December 30, 2024. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde pays his last respects to Satish Pradhan, the first mayor of Thane Municipal Corporation and senior Shiv Sena leader, who passed away due to old age, in Mumbai on Monday, December 30, 2024. (Photo: IANS)
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