After the teaser of Global Star Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer became an instant blockbuster with fans and audiences raving about it, the recent pre-release event in Dallas (USA) further hyped the film. The filmmakers have spent around Rs 75 crore on the songs. Picturesque locations, lavishness and grandeur in sets, stunning dance moves, vibrant music, aesthetic lyrics and production design make the songs of Game Changer a magnificent visual extravaganza.
Major Highlights Of Songs
Ra Macha Macha is an introduction song of Ram Charan in the film choreographed by Ganesh Acharya. The song is a tribute to Indian dance forms & folklore art and features more than 1000 folk dancers alongside the actor. A tribute to India’s rich culture, the song showcases a wide array of folk dances from different regions including:
1) Gussadi – Adilabad; Kommu Koya and Tappeta Gullu (AP)
2) Chaau - West Bengal
3) Ghumra - Orissa - matilkala
4) Goravara - Kunitha(Karnataka)
5) Kummukoya - Srikakulam
6) Ranapa - Orissa
7) Paika - Jharkhand
8) Halakki - Vokkaliga - Karnataka.
9) Thapitha Gullu - Vijaynagaram
10) Durua - Orissa
Dhop song is a techno dance number. It was shot during the covid second wave. Around ‘100 professional dancers’ were specially brought in from Russia in a special flight for the song which was shot lavishly for over 8 days in three different lavish sets in RFC. Manish Malhotra designed the costumes for the song. With catchy lyrics, and impressive choreography, the lyrical video of “Dhop” also has futuristic visuals. Ram Charan and Kiara Advani set the screen on fire with sizzling dance moves.
The 5th song is the surprise package – the filmmakers wanted the audiences to watch it on the silver screen and feel the thrill. The song was shot amid Godavari backdrop.
Game Changer is set for a grand release in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi on January 10, 2025 as a Sankranti festival special.
Game Changer - Article About ALL Songs Budget.docx
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