The plot of Identity revolves around a series of mysterious murders committed in broad daylight. ACP Allen Jacob (played by Tovino Thomas), a dedicated and sharp-witted police officer, is assigned to crack the case. To assist in identifying the killer, Allen enlists the help of his friend Haran Shankar (played by Vinay Rai), a renowned sketch artist. As the investigation progresses and Haran completes the sketch, it becomes clear that the killer is no ordinary criminal but an influential figure, someone well-embedded in society. With the stakes high and time running out, Allen, Haran, and Haran's girlfriend Alisha (Trisha) must work together to unravel the mystery and catch the killer before it’s too late.
The trailer gives a glimpse of the high tension and emotional stakes involved in the film, with the dynamic trio—Allen, Haran, and Alisha—caught in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. Their quest to uncover the true identity of the killer is layered with twists and turns, and the gripping visuals suggest that Identity will be a standout entry in the thriller genre. Fans are eager to see how the story unfolds, with the promise of high-stakes drama and compelling performances from the lead cast.
With a talented team behind the camera and a star-studded cast in front of it, Identity is shaping up to be one of the most eagerly awaited releases of 2025. As the film’s release date draws nearer, movie enthusiasts can expect more sneak peeks and teasers to keep the excitement building.
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