Rishab Shetty, who redefined Indian cinema with the massive success of Kantara, continues his meteoric rise in the film industry with a slate of highly anticipated films. In 2025, audiences will witness Kantara 2, followed by Jai Hanuman in 2026, and The Pride Of Bharat in 2027. This back-to-back line-up of major films solidifies Shetty’s status as a leading force in Indian cinema, with each role showcasing his immense range and dedication to bringing larger-than-life stories to the screen.
Directed by the visionary Sandeep Singh, known for his work on iconic films like Mary Kom, Sarbjit, Veer Savarkar, and Bajirao Mastani, The Pride Of Bharat is poised to set new standards in Indian filmmaking. Singh’s expertise in crafting emotional, epic narratives combined with Shetty’s intense portrayal of the legendary Shivaji Maharaj creates a compelling synergy. Shivaji Maharaj, who defied the Mughal Empire and became a symbol of valor and resistance, will be brought to life through cutting-edge visuals, breathtaking VFX, and meticulously choreographed action sequences.
In an official statement, Rishab Shetty expressed his honor at being part of this epic project. "Sandeep's vision for The Pride Of Bharat: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was so grand, that as soon as I heard the concept, I said yes without blinking. Playing Shivaji Maharaj is an honor beyond words. He is a national hero whose impact transcends history, and I feel immense pride in bringing his story to the screen." Shetty's passion for the role and the project itself promises to elevate the film to legendary status.
Director Sandeep Singh shared his excitement about the collaboration, stating, "Rishab Shetty was my first and only choice for the role—he truly embodies the strength, spirit, and valor of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This film has been my dream for many years now, and it is my privilege to bring this story to the silver screen. We have designed the film with a scale, grandeur, and never-before-seen action choreography that will elevate Indian cinema on the global stage."
The Pride Of Bharat: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is set to be a multilingual magnum opus, produced with the ambition of taking Indian cinema worldwide. With a team of top-tier technicians, international VFX artists, and a powerful musical score, the film aims to create a cinematic experience that is nothing short of extraordinary. The movie will be released globally on January 21, 2027, giving audiences around the world a chance to witness the rise of one of India’s greatest warrior kings.
This film is not just a historical retelling—it’s a tribute to the indomitable spirit of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, whose legacy continues to inspire generations. Fans of action, history, and Indian cinema are in for an unparalleled cinematic experience when The Pride Of Bharat: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj arrives in theaters. The stage is set for history to unfold on the big screen like never before.
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