The plot of Once Upon a Time in Madras revolves around the accidental discovery of a gun, which sets off a chain of events that intertwines the lives of four seemingly unrelated characters. These characters, played by Bharath, Abhirami, Pavithra Lakshmi, Anjali Nair, and Shaan, find their fates drawn together as the consequences of the gun's discovery ripple through their lives in unexpected and dramatic ways. Bharath plays a common man, while Abhirami takes on the role of a sanitation worker, showcasing the contrasting walks of life that collide in this hyperlink narrative.
The ensemble cast also includes stellar performances from Thalaivasal Vijay, PGS, Rajaji, Syed, Kalki, and Sini, among others, each bringing a unique dimension to the story. The film’s structure promises to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, as it explores how the lives of ordinary people can be impacted by one moment of chance, leading to a bigger, often dangerous, consequence.
Produced by MP Anand under Friday Film Factory and co-produced by Haroon, Bala, and PGS, Once Upon a Time in Madras brings together a talented team behind the scenes. The film's technical crew includes editor San Lokesh, cinematographers K S Kalidoss and R Kannan, composer Jose Franklin, and stunt coordinator Sugan, all of whom contribute their expertise to bring this intense thriller to life.
The trailer has already generated significant buzz, hinting at a multi-layered narrative that delves into fate, coincidence, and the far-reaching consequences of a single decision. With its intriguing premise and powerhouse cast, Once Upon a Time in Madras is definitely a film to watch out for this December.
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