Global star Ram Charan teamed up with acclaimed director Buchi Babu Sana, who made a sensational debut with Uppena, for the much-anticipated Ram Charan’s 16th project, tentatively called #RC16. The talented Janhvi Kapoor will star opposite Charan adding excitement to this high-profile film. Backed by the renowned production houses Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings, the project is bankrolled by passionate producer Venkata Satish Kilaru under Vriddhi Cinemas.
The film features an ensemble cast including legendary Kannada actor Shiva Rajkumar. Adding to the impressive cast, popular Bollywood actor ‘Munna Bhaiyaa’ aka Divyenndu has joined the team. Known for his standout performances in films like Pyar Ka Punchnama, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, and Madgaon Express, Divyenndu gained nationwide fame for his iconic role as "Munna Bhaiya" in the hit web series Mirzapur. His presence will be a major asset to the pan-India film, #RC16.
Divyenndu will commence shooting for his part in the film’s second schedule. Expressing his excitement, Buchi Babu wrote on his X that he is thrilled to cast Divyenndu in his most favourite role. “My most favourite role revealing today. Our Bhayya…Your Bhayya…MUNNA BHAYYA! Welcome onboard dear @divyenndu brother Let’s rock it.” The film has wrapped up its first schedule in Mysore, recently, and more details about the film will be revealed soon.
Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman has joined hands with Ram Charan for the first time to create a ‘musical magic’ with the movie. Renowned cinematographer Ratnavelu is handling the cinematography and Avinash Kolla is the production designer.
Cast: Ram Charan, Janhvi Kapoor, Shiva Rajkumar, Jagapathi Babu and Divyenndu
Technical Crew:
Written and directed by: Buchi Babu Sana
Presents: Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings
Banner: Vriddhi Cinemas
Producer: Venkata Satish Kilaru
Music Director: AR Rahman
DOP: R Rathnavelu
Production Design: Avinash Kolla
PRO: Naidu Surendra Kumar
Marketing: First Show
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