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Taiwan’s military holds first live-fire drills with anti-tank rockets developed on the island (Video)

Taiwans Army held what it said was its first live-fire drills of locally made anti-tank Kestrel rockets on Wednesday. Soldiers enrolled in Taiwan's recently implemented one-year conscript fired the rockets in a drill at a shooting range in Tainan. (AP video shot by: Taijing Wu)

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Taiwan's military holds first live-fire drills with anti-tank rockets developed on the island (Video)

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Taiwan's military holds first live-fire drills with anti-tank rockets developed on the island (Video)

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Taiwan's military holds first live-fire drills with anti-tank rockets developed on the island (Video)
Taiwan's military holds first live-fire drills with anti-tank rockets developed on the island (Video)

Taiwans Army held what it said was its first live-fire drills of locally made anti-tank Kestrel rockets on Wednesday. Soldiers enrolled in Taiwan's recently implemented one-year conscript fired the rockets in a drill at a shooting range in Tainan. (AP video shot by: Taijing Wu) #taiwan #military #news Subscribe: Read more: This video may be available for archive licensing via