Starring a dynamic ensemble cast, including Varun Dhawan, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kay Kay Menon, Simran, Soham Majumdar, Shivankit Singh Parihar, Kashvi Majmundar, Saquib Saleem, and Sikandar Kher, "Honey Bunny" promises to deliver an engaging mix of suspense and romance. The series is set against the vibrant backdrop of the 1990s, capturing the era's unique energy and style while weaving a gripping narrative of espionage.
The show is created, showrun, and written by the acclaimed duo Raj & DK, alongside Sita R. Menon. Known for their expertise in blending intense action with compelling storytelling, Raj & DK's involvement ensures a series that's both thrilling and emotionally resonant.
Scheduled to premiere on Prime Video on November 7, 2024, "Citadel: Honey Bunny" is poised to attract a global audience with its innovative approach to the spy genre. The teaser offers a tantalizing glimpse into the series' blend of edge-of-your-seat action and touching romance, promising an unforgettable addition to the Citadel universe.
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