UK Productions under Ketika Hanmayashree presents... Vijay Shankar, Mahesh Yadlapalli, Aayushi Patel, Anushree playing lead roles named as 'Vishalakshi', directed by Pawan Shankar launched grandly On Wednesday morning. The film's opening ceremony was held at Prasad Lab in Hyderabad in the hands of famous film celebrities. Presidents of Directors Association who attended the program Veerashankar directed the first shot and popular producer Raj Kandukuri gave the clap. Director and producer Pratani Ramakrishna Goud switched on the camera. Later, the concept poster of the film was jointly launched by Veerashankar, Raj kandukuri and Pratani Ramakrishna Goud.
Later director Pawan Shankar said...
Thank you for all the guests, It is the movie all about an action entertainer in the backdrop of investigation. Also maintains suspense in a thrilled manner. A good technical team and artists worked for it. The movie consists of 5 songs and 5 fights. We will complete the film in all 4 schedules. All the talkies will be in the surrounding areas of Rayalaseema and Hyderabad. We are planning to shoot the songs in Ooty and Araku. More details about this film will be announced soon.
Producer Pallapu Uday Kumar said...
My friend and director Pawan Shankar liked the movie line so we are also involved to develop. This is the production no.1 in our banner. There is a desire to produce good films in the future as well. The heroes and heroines of the film are already busy with some other projects. My sincere thanks to all of them. This story has all elements like investigation, string operation and emotional. We have adapted the story keeping in mind the youth and family audience. Thanks to Manoj who gave the title logo so wonderfully.
DOP: Urukunda Reddy said...
If you look at the poster, you will understand that this is a different concept based movie. We are planning to make it visually amazing as well. He said that it will be a movie that everyone will like.
Also, heroes Vijay Shankar, Mahesh Yadlapalli, heroines Ayushi Patel and Anushree who spoke in this program thanked the director and producers for giving them a chance in this film.
Story: Pawan Shankar and Pallapu Uday Kumar, Cameraman: Urukunda Reddy S, Music Director: Anand,
Editor: Ganesh Dasari, Production Executive: Girish CH,
P.R.O: R.K. Chaudhary,
Publicity Designer: M.K.S. Manoj,
Produced by: Pallapu Uday Kumar,
Written, Lyrics, Directed by: Pawan Shankar.
Vishalakshi Movie Opening Video Feed
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