Sharing the trailer on his social media profile, Ajay Devgn wrote, “Hell comes home with #Shaitaan, #ShaitaanTrailer out now. Taking over cinemas on 8th March 2024. @ActorMadhavan #Jyotika @imjankibodiwala #JyotiDeshpande @KumarMangat @AbhishekPathakk #VikasBahl @jiostudios @ADFFilms @PanoramaMovies @PanoramaMusic_ @PicturesPVR”
The film stars Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan and Jyotika in the lead roles, along with Janki Bodiwala and Aangad Maaholay in pivotal roles.
Helmed by Vikas Bahl, the trailer unfolds an intense plot. Madhavan, portraying the antagonist, seeks refuge at Ajay and Jyotika’s house. Though Jyotika senses impending danger and asks her husband to be rid of Madhavan, it is already too late. Claiming to have hypnotised their daughter, he uses her as a weapon against them.
Madhavan’s motives remain obscure, prompting Ajay and Jyotika to fight desperately to save their daughter. The film promises a blend of action, emotional drama, and spine-tingling suspense.
Shaitaan has been co-produced by Ajay Devgn, Jyoti Deshpande and Abhishek Pathak among others, film is all set to release in theatres on 8th March 2024.
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