Social media is abuzz with the biggest stars of Indian Cinema revealing the posters for superstar Prithviraj Sukumaran’s upcoming film, The Goat Life. With Prabhas first taking to his social media to share the Official ‘First Look’, and Ranveer Singh later sharing ‘The Look Before’, now Dulquer Salmaan has unveiled the ‘Beginning Look’ of Prithviraj from the film. This look has come as a surprise to all, as it is in extreme contrast to the rugged and intense posters which have been previously released. The third poster of Prithviraj is refreshing and filled with a simple charm that promises to bring a smile to the audience’s face.
Directed by National Award winner Blessy and produced by Visual Romance, The Goat Life also features Hollywood actor Jimmy Jean-Louis, Indian actors like Amala Paul and K.R. Gokul, along with renowned Arab actors such as Talib al Balushi and Rik Aby in pivotal roles. The upcoming film’s music direction and sound design are helmed by Academy Award winners A.R. Rahman and Resul Pookutty, respectively. The stunning visuals of the film have been shot by Sunil KS, and they have been edited by A. Sreekar Prasad. Being shot in multiple countries around the world, the film is the biggest-ever venture in the Malayalam film industry, setting new benchmarks in production standards, storytelling, and acting prowess. With exemplary performances and a soul-stirring background score, the film makes for a larger-than-life theatrical experience.
The greatest-ever desert film in Indian cinema, The Goat Life will be released in theatres near you on 10th April 2024, in five languages: Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada
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