Veteran actor Anil Kapoor dropped the teaser on his social media profile and captioned it, “Sun, sand and open skies…Feels like #IshqJaisaKuch - song out on 22nd December. #Fighter #FighterOn25thJan @iHrithik @deepikapadukone @justSidAnand #KevinVaz @AnilKapoor @AndhareAjit @itsMamtaA @ramonchibb @ankupande @VishalDadlani @ShekharRavjiani @shilparao11 @mellowdofficial @kumaarofficial #BoscoMartis @csgonsalves @Iamksgofficial @Akshay0beroi @viacom18studios @MarflixP @TSeries #FighterMovie”
This hot and sizzling track will feature Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone on a breezy beach, romancing.
Helmed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Viacom18 Studios and Marflix Pictures, and serves as the first film in a planned aerial action franchise.
The film also features Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, Sanjeeda Sheikh, Talat Aziz and Sanjeev Jaiswal. Apart from actor, the film will also feature real life Indian Air Force cadets.
The film's soundtrack album composed by the duo Vishal–Shekhar consists of five songs, with Satchith Paulose as the cinematographer. The visuals are handled by DNEG.
Fighter was originally scheduled for a theatrical release on 30 September 2022 but was delayed due to the production delays owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is scheduled to release theatrically on 25 January 2024, coinciding with the Republic Day weekend.
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