Sharing the teaser on his social media profile, Vidyut Jammwal captioned his post, “Jeetegaa toh Jiyegaa! Get ready for a pulse-pounding journey that refuses to hit the brakes! #CRAKK #CrakkTeaser out now- #CRAKK - Jeetegaa Toh Jiyegaa releasing on 23rd February 2024 @norafatehi @rampalarjun @iamamyjackson @adidatt @VidyutJammwal @ankittmohan @Its_JamieLever @bijayjanand @rshisatkar #ShalakasPawar @abbassayyed771 @actionherofilm1 @Tseries #CrakkOn23rdFeb #JeetegaTohJiyegaa”
Directed by Aditya Dutt, Crakk- Jeethegaa Toh Jiyegaa, the teaser, giving a sneak-peak to what the film offers. The-minute-long nail biting teaser begins with a glimpse of Vidyut and Arjun walking towards a plane.
The teaser shows some jittery sport stunts and the acting prowess of Vidyut, who doesn't miss a chance to pack punches at bag guys. Actors Arjun Rampal, Nora Fatehi and Amy Jackson sprinkle an element of intrigue into the teaser. The teaser is not just limited to sports, but also the production value and the background score make it a cinematic spectacle and an edge-of-the-seat experience.
The film is slated to release on February 2023.
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