Mumbai: The star cast of ‘The Archies’ Aditi Saigal, Suhana Khan, Mihir Ahuja, Agastya Nanda, Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda, and Khushi Kapoor—pose for a photo during a promotional event in Mumbai on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: The star cast of ‘The Archies’ Aditi Saigal, Suhana Khan, Mihir Ahuja, Agastya Nanda, Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda, and Khushi Kapoor—pose for a photo during a promotional event in Mumbai on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: The star cast of ‘The Archies’ Aditi Saigal, Suhana Khan, Mihir Ahuja, Agastya Nanda, Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda, and Khushi Kapoor—pose for a photo during a promotional event in Mumbai on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. (Photo: IANS)
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