The veteran actor, renowned for his iconic roles from his early television days to Oscar-winning performances in "Wall Street" and "Fatal Attraction," shared his insights on the intersection of AI and filmmaking, particularly in the context of his experience in superhero movies, presumably from the Marvel cinematic universe.
Douglas touched upon the synergy between the aging process and the advancements in AI technology, emphasizing the swift pace at which these changes are occurring. Describing the early stages of working with CGI in films, he said, When asked about working with AI in superhero movie (Marvel) and disadvantages of AI infused world, Michael said, “The aging thing kind of go alone with the AI, because it is coming very fast. At the time, they would put dots all over you and it wasn’t a very pretty picture, but you act, and they do all the other things. It is a little scary, I must say, with AI everything which is going on, we’re fighting a much different record, you must protect your name in the perpetuity.”
“The reason I have done those movies before I have never done a CGI movie before, and I wanted to see the experience, because acting in CGI is very bizarre, because nothing is there, you just pretend” added Douglas, expressing a note of caution.
Michael was recently honoured with International Film Festival of India (IFFI) with the Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award.
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