The official handle of Netflix India shared the news on social media, it said, “The weekend just got a lot more Sukhee! Watch the talented @theshilpashetty in this heartwarming slice of life dramedy. Sukhee is STREAMING Now on Netflix! @NetflixIndia #SukheeOnNetflix @TheShilpaShetty #SonalJoshi #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar @vikramix #AmitSadh @KushaKapila @gym_user @pavleen_gujral @Chaitannya33 @maahijain1707 @TSeries @abundantia_ent @PenMovies @ShikhaaSharma03 #ShivChanana @neerajkalyan_24 #VijashKothari @paulomidutta #RupinderInderjit #RadhikaAnand #Jyotikapoor”
Helmed by Sonal Joshi in her directorial debut. The film also stars Amit Sadh, Dilnaz Irani, Kusha Kapila and Pavleen Gujral.
The film is a humorous slice-of-life tale about 38-year-old Punjabi housewife Sukhpreet "Sukhee" Kalra, who, sick of her routine existence, travels to Delhi to attend her high school reunion. Sukhee relives her teenage years while experiencing a variety of things over the course of just seven days, emerging reignited, reborn, and making the hardest shift of her life—from being a wife and mother to being a woman once more.
On the work front, Shilpa Shetty will soon be seen in Indian Police Force, cop action drama series created and directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash.
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