The video depicts Nana Patekar, dressed in a brown check suit with a fawn-colored hat and scarf shooting for Anil Sharma directorial Journey, warmly acknowledging his fans with a smile and waves. Suddenly, a persistent fan approaches from behind, attempting to take a selfie, seemingly invading the actor's personal space. Irked by the intrusion, Patekar responds by giving the fan a whack on the rear side of his head. Security personnel swiftly intervene, escorting the fan away from the actor.
As the incident unfolds, Patekar turns around and points a finger, possibly cautioning other fans against similar behavior. The 72-year-old actor, known for his composed demeanor, has been shooting in Varanasi for Anil Sharma's upcoming film 'Journey.'
The video has sparked mixed reactions on social media, with some supporting Patekar's response and others empathizing with the fan. Amidst the opinions, one suggestion stood out, urging Patekar to express such emotions in reel life, not real life.
Nana Patekar, last seen in Vivek Agnihotri's 'The Vaccine War,' is set to make his OTT debut with 'Laal Batti,' a political thriller directed by Prakash Jha. The viral incident, though brief, adds a human touch to the seasoned actor's public image, reminding fans that even revered figures like Patekar have their limits when it comes to personal space and privacy.
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