Hero Sudheer Babu’s Pan India film Harom Hara with Gnanasagar Dwaraka of Sehari fame is nearing completion with its shoot. Produced by Sumanth G Naidu under the banner of SSC (Sree Subrahmanyeshwara Cinemas), the movie that has a tagline The Revolt is the highest-budgeted one for Sudheer Babu.
The makers who so far unveiled first look posters of Sudheer Babu, Sunil, and a small glimpse called The First Trigger have come up with a new update on this Diwali. They announced to unveil Power Of Subramanyam on November 22nd. Sudheer Babu is presented in a fierce avatar in the poster.
The story of Harom Hara is set in 1989 in Kuppam of Chittoor district and Sudheer Babu will be seen uttering dialogues in the Kuppam slang.
Aravind Vishwanathan handles the cinematography of the movie, while the music is scored by Chaitan Bharadwaj.
The movie will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.
Cast: Sudheer Babu, Sunil
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director - Gnanasagar Dwaraka
Producer - Sumanth G Naidu
Music – Chaitan Bharadwaj
DOP - Aravind Viswanathan
Editor - Raviteja Girijala
Banner - Sree Subrahmanyeshwara Cinemas
PRO - Vamsi Shekar
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