Sharing the teaser on his social media, Ravi Teja captioned his post, “Spreading wings to clear the chaos #Eagle Teaser is out now! Flying off for this Sankranthi on Jan 13th @Karthik_gatta @vishwaprasadtg @vivekkuchibotla @KavyaThapar @anupamahere @pnavdeep26 @VinayRai1809 @peoplemediafcy #EAGLEonJan13th”
The film also stars Anu Emmanuel, Vinay Rai, Kavya Thapar, Navdeep, Srinivas Avasarala, and Madhubala in important roles.
The teaser is build-up to unveiling of Ravi Teja in whole new different avatars, we see a series of brutal attacks in which an unidentified individual systematically eliminates several men, igniting the government’s interest in eradicating his presence.
The enigmatic figure resides deep within the dense forests, leaving us with burning questions: What propels his relentless pursuit of these men, and what is the ultimate purpose behind his actions? These mysteries are sure to capture our attention as we eagerly await answers.
Produced by People Media Factory on a grand scale, the film is slated for 13thJanuary 2024 release.
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