Salman Khan took to his social media profile and shared the poster, he tweeted, “#Farrey trailer out tomorrow, results out on November 24th #SoumendraPadhi #Alizeh @isahilmehta #ZeynShaw @prasanna_bisht @RonitBoseRoy @JuuhiBS #NaveenYerneni @atulreellife @nikhilnamit @SunirKheterpal @SKFilmsOfficial @MythriOfficial @ReelLifeProdn @AthenaEnm @ZeeMusicCompany”
Farrey is a slang word used by students for small chits of paper bearing answers, that they sneak into exam halls. The film is directed by Soumendra Padhi, also starring Juhi Babbar, Prasanna Bisht, Saxon Cook, Lavishka Gupta, Sahil Mehta, Ronit Roy, Zeyn Shaw and more.
The film revolves around Niyati, an orphan prodigy, living under the care of her warden in a local orphanage in Delhi, becomes the national level topper in the 10th board exams and thus gets admission in an elite school on scholarship. There she is lured by her rich friends to help them cheat in exams by developing elaborate methods and gets pulled into a cheating racket with increasingly higher risks and even higher rewards. But she may lose much more than she gains.
On the work front, Salman Khan will soon be seen in Tiger 3, also starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi in the lead roles.
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