The official handle of Jio Studios, shared a short teaser of the film which they captioned, “Anokhi kahaani ki anokhi taiyyari! Aane wali hai #Nakhrewaalii ki baari. Introducing our newest heartthrob @anshduggal Filming Begins Now! Jio Studios and Aanand L Rai Present. A Colour Yellow Productions Produced by #JyotiDeshpande Produced by @aanandlrai & #HimanshuSharma Directed by #RahulShanklya Written by #DivyNidhiSharma.”
This film promises to be a complete entertainer, offering a plethora of emotions that will strike a chord with audiences across India. A glimpse of the film’s theme can be seen in the introductory video, which is sure to pique your interest in this romantic comedy.
Directed by Rahul Shanklya, and written by Divy Nidhi Sharma, the shooting for the film has begun.
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