"Shantala," a period film, is presented by KS Rama Rao and Indo-American Arts’ Dr. Irrinki Suresh serves as the producer. while it is directed by Trivikram Seshu. The movie features Ashlesha Thakur, known for her role in Amazon’s "Family Man," in the lead role, with Nihal Kodhaty as the hero.
The first song of the film was released by the renowned director and Wizard of Words, Trivikram Srinivas. After viewing the song, Trivikram garu extended his best wishes.
During the event, the members of the film unit expressed their joy, and extended heartfelt gratitude to Director Trivikram Srinivas garu for his support. They shared that Shantala is a film inspired by a true story that unfolded in Halibedu and Belur.and is scheduled for release on November 3rd.
Vishal Chandrasekhar, known for his sensational music in the super hit film 'Seetharamam,' has composed the music for 'Shanthala.'
Film Name: Shantala
Banner: Indo-American Arts
Presenter: Irrinki Subbalakshmi
Cinematographer: Ramesh R
Music Director: Vishal Chandrasekhar
Director: Seshu Peddi Reddy
Producer: Dr. Irrinki Suresh
PRO:Paul Pavan
Digital PR: Vamsi Cine Digital
Shantala First Single - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz2bGRItZeI
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