Salman Khan shared the song teaser on social media, he captioned it, “Tiger & Zoya are ready to party! #LekePrabhuKaNaam dropping hot on 23rd Oct Dekho ek choti jhalak...#Tiger3 arriving in cinemas on 12th November. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu. @katrinakaif @therealemraan #ManeeshSharma @yrf @ipritamofficial @amitabhbhattacharyaofficial @arijitsingh @nikhitagandhiofficial @vaibhavi.merchant @madhankarky @bennydayalofficial @anushamani @boselyricist @anaitashroffadajania #AlviraKhanAgnihotri @ashley_rebello @darshanjalan #YRF50 #YRFSpyUniverse”
In the teaser, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, as Tiger and Zoya, are seen dancing with each other at a stunning location in Cappadocia, Turkey.
Their chemistry in the trippy dance track that has been composed by Pritam and sung by Arijit Singh and Nikhita Gandhi is outstanding.
The full song will be out on October 23.
Emraan Hashmi will be seen sharing screen space with Katrina and Salman in Tiger 3, which is helmed by Maneesh Sharma, backed by YRF and slated for Diwali release.
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