Sushmita Sen was interacting with the media during the trailer launch of Aarya 3 in Mumbai. Helmed by Ram Madhvani, the series also stars Illa Arun and Sikander Kher in the lead roles.
During the interaction we asked Sushmita Sen, if her beauty sort of overlooked her talent, and that’s the reason only now she is getting powerful roles, and she said, “I think I should complain about this to someone, I haven’t figured it out to whom, but I will. The biggest blessing in my life; where I can think that not getting a chance in industry or someone not realizing my true potential, it is a small thing. But the big thing is, in 2024 I will be clocking 30 years in the film industry, I was 18 years old, when I was put on stage, and I was introduced to my nation. From that point onward till now, whatever I have done in my life, my people have cheered and supported me.”
“I didn’t work for 8 long years, I just left, but the same industry welcomed me back with open arms, because my audience is awesome. And as long as my audience wants to see me, no one can dare to do anything” added Sushmita.
Talking about the third season of the epic saga, Sushmita Sen said, “First two seasons were very family oriented, where it was all about family and children’s, which is still the case, she is also a mother. But I think she has understood that if you stop riding the Lion, he will eat you. So, she decided to ride it out.”
The third season of the show will be released on November 3, 2021.
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