"Fast & Furious" franchise star Sung Kang is making his directorial debut with the horror comedy "Shaky Shivers," which gets a one-night-only theatrical release Thursday. While the lighthearted film features zombies and werewolves, Kang says his next project as a director will be a comedic coming-of-age story about his own childhood in Georgia.
The 51-year-old known for playing "Fast's" always-snacking Han Lue sat down with The Associated Press in Los Angeles to talk about learning from Walter Hill and Robert Rodriguez, creating opportunities for younger actors and the importance of the Hollywood strikes.
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"Fast & Furious" franchise star Sung Kang is making his directorial debut with the horror comedy "Shaky Shivers," which gets a one-night-only theatrical release Thursday. While the lighthearted film features zombies and werewolves, Kang says his next project as a director will be a comedic coming-of-age story about his own childhood in Georgia. The 51-year-old known for playing "Fast's" always-snacking Han Lue sat down with The Associated Press in Los Angeles to talk about learning from Walter Hill and Robert Rodriguez, creating opportunities for younger actors and the importance of the Hollywood strikes.