Actor Varun Sharma dropped the song on his social media profile, he tweeted, “Saaare Fukron ke liye ik Fukra Gaana, #VeFukrey Out now @PulkitSamrat @OyeManjot @TripathiiPankaj @RichaChadha @MrigLamba @excelmovies @ritesh_sid @FarOutAkhtar @BoscoMartis #TwaritaNagar @JuhiBhatt5 #SanchiRai @vipulhappy #AmalenduChaudhdary @J10Kassim @vishalrr @chouhanmanoj82 @AAFilmsIndia @ZeeMusicCompany #TanishkBagchi @DevNegiLive @AseesKaur #ShabbirAhmed #KrishnaKishor @GaneshWaghelaG9 @EricnPillai @pereira_adele”
The fun and peppy song is crooned by Dev Negi and Asees Kaurm, the song is composed by Tanishk Bagchi and penned by Shabbir Ahmed.
The film is directed by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba and produced under the banner of Excel Entertainment by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar.
Last week the makers dropped the trailer for the film, the gang including Hunny (Pulkit Samrat), Choochaa (Varun Sharma), Lali (Manjot Singh), Bholi Punjaban (Richa Chadha), and Pandit Ji (Pankaj Tripathi) are back with new set of shenanigans.
The third instalment of the comedy-drama 'Fukrey' will be released in theatres on September 28.
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