The official handle of Balaji Motion Pictures dropped the trailer on social media, it said, “Join us in the celebration of dosti, singlepan aur bohot sara drama! Watch #ThankYouForComing in cinemas near you on 6th October 2023. #ThankYouForComingTrailer #ComebackOfTheChickFlick #DontForgetToCome @balajimotionpic @bhumipednekar @ishehnaaz_gill #DollySingh @KushaKapila #ShibaniBedi #PradhumanSinghMall @NatashaRastogi5 @gautmik_ @thedivasushant @saloni_daini @dollyahluwalia @kkundrra #TejaswiDevChaudhary @AnilKapoor #ShobhaKapoor @EktaaRKapoor #RheaKapoor #KaranBoolani #RadhikaAnand #PrashastiSingh @sathegauri #PaarthJoshi @akfcnetwork @saregamaglobal”
Marking his directorial debut, Karan Boolani’s Thank You For Coming revolves around a 30 years old woman named Kaanu (Bhumi), who despite having a colourful life and good sexual appetite, never had an orgasm, and one fine night, during her drunken stupor she find herself feeling the absolute pleasure, but the issue is, she doesn’t remember the man, who made it happens. Sounds like fun?
The premise of the film is fresh and unique, and the film also dwell into mature relationships, sort of an attempt to talk about what it means to be in a healthy relationship in modern times.
The film also stars Pradhuman Singh Mall, Natasha Rastogi, Gautmik, Sushant Divgikar, Saloni Daini, Dolly Ahluwalia, Karan Kundrra and Anil Kapoor.
The film is all set to release across cinemas in India, on 6th October, 2023.
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