The series stars Tyler Dean Flores, Emma Ferreira, Jordan Mendoza, Courtney Taylor, Michelle Cortés, Jessie Camacho, Ana Sofia Pomales, and Cecille Colón.
From small-town Florida to the bustling beaches and bright lights of Miami, Neon follows three friends as they hustle their way to making it big in the world of reggaeton.
The eight-episode comedy captures not only the three besties' larger-than-life dreams, but also the harsh realities and funny mishaps of surviving the music industry.
Tyler Dean Flores plays Santi, a rising reggaeton artist who, with the help of his best friends Ness (Emma Ferreira), Felix (Jordan Mendoza), and A&R rep Mia (Courtney Taylor), hopes to become the biggest star in reggaeton or at least pay his rent.
Neon is a series created by Shea Serrano, directed by Max Searle. Produced by Frances Lausell and Miguel Nolla. Executive produced by Anne Clements, Daddy Yankee, Scooter Braun, Scott Manson, Max Searle, Shea Serrano, and James Shin.
The series starts streaming in October 19th, 2023.
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