Excel Entertainment shared the deeds about the new release date, it said, “Leke aaye hai taaza khabar, ab nahi ho raha hai sabar. Iss baar hoga ek naya chumatkar from Jamnapaar! #Fukrey3 arriving in cinemas on 28th September, 2023. @PulkitSamrat @varunsharma90 @OyeManjot @TripathiiPankaj @RichaChadha @MrigLamba @ritesh_sid @FarOutAkhtar @vipulhappy #AmalenduChaudhary @j10Kassim @vishalrr @AAFilmsIndia @ZeeMusicCompany”
The film stars Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Pankaj Tripathi and Manjot Singh in the lead roles. The chemistry and comedic timing of this extraordinary cast and their iconic characters promise to take audiences on a laughter-filled joyride once again. The film will now hit the theatres on September 28.
The film has been derailed many times, earlier it was slated for September 7, after that, it was pushed to November 24 and now it will hit the theatres on December 1. Now it’s shifted back to the month of September. It will hit the cinemas on September 28.
The film is directed by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba and produced under the esteemed banner of Excel Entertainment by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar.
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