The official handle of Zee Music Company shared the trailer on social media, it said, “Discover the unknown paths of the mystery tattoo! #MysteryOfTattoo TRAILER OUT NOW @itisrohitraaj @rampal72 @ameeshapatel9 @shahdaisy @kalaisathax @ekujain11 @dwaparpromoters #mysteryofthetattoo #bollywood #thriller #tattoo #rohitraaj #arjunrampal #ameeshapatel #daisyshah #manojjoshi”
Mystery Of The Tattoo is set in London, but looks like a big-budget college project. The film seems to have an exciting casting combination but lacks in its storytelling. It will also mark the debut of actor Rohit Raaj.
The movie is helmed and penned by Kalaiarasi Sathappan. The project is bankrolled by Pickle Entertainment. The film is cranked by LK Vijay and the music is helmed by Abhinav Shekhar.
The story is about an art student who establishes a bond with her therapist. However, her life takes a sinister turn as she becomes entangled in a series of perilous psychological occurrences and hallucinations. It becomes evident later on that these events were meticulously orchestrated by her neighbour, who aimed to capture a notorious murderer from the past.
The film is slated for 1st September 2023 release.
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