Tollywood’s leading production and distribution house Annapurna Studios collaborated with Chai Bisket Films which is making unique and content-based movies to bring a blockbuster Kannada movie to the Telugu audience. Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare which marked the directorial debut of Nithin Krishnamurthy featured debutants Prajwal BP, Manjunath Nayaka, Rakesh Rajkumar, Srivatsa and Tejas Jayanna Urs, while Rishab Shetty, Pawan Kumar, and Shine Shetty made cameo appearances. The film introduced 500+ theatre artists to the big screen which is a monumental feat .Director Nithin Krishnamurthy also produced the movie, in association with Varun Gowda, Prajwal B. P., and Arvind S. Kashyap under the banners of Gulmohur Films and Varrun Studios, while Rakshit Shetty of Paramvah Pictures banner presented it.
The movie was released in Kannada last month to unanimous positive talk and it was declared a blockbuster. The film has already grossed 20+ Crores and is still running successfully at the ticket windows. Annapurna Studios & Chai Bisket Films together will be bringing the movie to the Telugu audience. Titled Boys Hostel in Telugu, the movie will hit the screens on August 26th. The release date poster shows the hostel and the boys in it with serious expressions on their faces.
The very talented composer B. Ajaneesh Loknath scored the music for the movie, while the cinematography was handled by Arvind S Kashyap. Suresh M edited the movie.
The Telugu promotions kick-start with the makers announcing the release date.
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