Salman Khan took to his social media profile and shared the prevue, and he wrote, “Pathan jawan ban gaya, outstanding trailer, absolutely loved it. Now this is the kind of movie we should see in theatres only. I toh for sure seeing it 1st day ko hi. Mazaa ahh gaya wahhhhh..”
Salman Khan is planning to catch the first day show, which is high compliment coming from an action hero. The duo, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan were seen in Pathaan, and following that the duo will be seen sharing screen space in Tiger 3, another one of YRF Spy-universe much awaited release.
Jawan is a high-octane action thriller that outlines the emotional journey of a man who is set to rectify the wrongs in society.
The film also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Girija Oak, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Lehar Khan, Aaliyah Qureshi, Ridhi Dogra, Sunil Grover and more will be seen in pivotal roles.
The film hit the cinema halls on 7th September 2023.
Meanhile on the work front, Salman Khan is busy wrapping Tiger 3, also starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi.
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