Sharing the video post on his social media profile, Akshay tweeted, “#OMG2Teaser out on July 11. #OMG2 in theaters on August 11.”
In the video, Akshay is seen walking through a crowd of people chanting 'Har Har Mahadev' ash smeared on his forehead, blue paint and bead necklace around his neck, and long dreadlocks reaching his knees.
The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam in the lead roles. Helmed by Amit Rai, the film is a sequel to Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar-starrer of the same name. In the original film, Akshay had essayed the character of Lord Krishna.
Sharing the same, Yami Gautam tweeted, “Har Har Mahadev #OMG2Teaser out on July 11. #OMG2 in theatres on August 11. @akshaykumar @TripathiiPankaj @raiamitbabulal #JyotiDeshpande @AndhareAjit @VipulDShahOpti @ashwinvarde @bahlrajesh #DrChandraprakashDwivedi @vbfilmwala @HemalAThakkar @yoswaroop #CapeOfGoodFilms @Viacom18Studios @wakaoofilms @ZeeMusicCompany”
Apart from OMG-2, actor Akshay Kumar will soon be seen in remake of Soorarai Pottru, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, and the fifth instalment of his hit comedy franchise Housefull.
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