Sharing the poster on his social media profile, Akshay Kumar tweeted, “Sach Wahi Hai, Jo Sabit Kiya Jaa Sake, The battle for truth is about to begin. #OMG2 in theatres on August 11. Teaser drops soon”
OMG 2 is an upcoming satirical comedy-drama film written and directed by Amit Rai. It is a spiritual sequel to OMG – Oh My God!, and stars Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, Yami Gautam, Arun Govil.
Sharing the same, Yami captioned her post, “Miliye Kamini Maheshwari se #OMG2 in theatres on August 11! Teaser drops soon.@akshaykumar @pankajtripathi @raiamitbabulal #JyotiDeshpande @ajit_andhare @vipuldshahofficial @ashwinvarde @bahlrajesh #DrChandraprakashDwivedi @vbfilmwala @hemal_a_thakkar @rawalswaroop #CapeOfGoodFilms @viacom18studios @wakaoofilms @zeemusiccompany”
The film is produced by Cape of Good Films, Ashwin Varde, Vipul D Shah and Rajesh Bahl. Dr Chandraprakash Diwedi is the creative producer of the movie. And the cinematography of the movie is done by Amalendu Chaudhary.
The film revolves around the subject of Indian education system. It is scheduled to be released on 11 August 2023,
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