Superstar Akshay Kumar took to his social media and shared the trailer, he captioned his post, “Aam aadmi ki kahaani toh bahot sun li, ab Vijay Kumar ki bhi sun lo…Dekhiye #SelfieeTrailer2 And watch #Selfiee in cinemas on 24th Feb”
The film features Emraan as Om Prakash Agarwal, an RTO officer and a huge fan of Akshay's character Vijay Kumar, who is a big Bollywood star. Due to a huge misunderstanding, a massive feud occurs between both the actors.
The new trailer focuses on the tussle between Emraan and Akshay, as being a powerful officer in the RTO department, Emraan stops Akshay's car and tells him to get out of the car as the latter does not own a valid driving license. Furthermore, the latest trailer video chronicles how a fan becomes a foe in the film.
The action-comedy drama flick is directed by Raj Mehta. Bankrolled by Dharma Productions, Cape of Good Films, Prithviraj Productions and Magic Frames.
The film also stars Tisca Chopra, Abhimanyu Singh, Mahesh Thakur, Fahim Fazli, Kusha Kapila, Rahul Dev and Meghna Malik along with Mrunal Thakur in a cameo appearance, is slated to release on February 24.
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