Beautiful Navneet Kaur Dhillon shared the trailer on her social media, she captioned it, “#GolGappe trailer is out now! GolGappe in cinemas on 17th February 2023. @ZeeStudios_ #RajatBedi #BNSharma @navneetdhillon @ihanaofficial #TriflixEntertainmentLLP @sohamrockstrent #JanviProductions @ZeeMusicCompany”
As the quirky title, the film also stars comic specialists of Punjabi industry. The trailer of the film Gol Gappe shows that the story revolves around three dim-witted yet kind-hearted people who come up with an original scheme to make money quickly but what exactly happens is that they only get themselves into trouble.
Gol Gappe is a humorous film with a great message.
The official handle of Zee Studios also shared the same, it said, “In the month of love, we bring to you the most flavourful romantic- comedy!
#GolGappe trailer is out now! Don’t forget to indulge, GolGappe in cinemas on 17th February 2023”
Backed by Zee Studios, Triflix Entertainment LLP, Janvi Productions and Soham Rockstar Entertainment, the film was slated for last year release but now the makers are eyeing for 17th Feb 2023 release.
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