The official handle of SLV Cinemas shared the Telugu teaser for the film, it said, “RAW, RUSTIC and FEROCIOUS, #DasaraTeaser out now! #Dasara Worldwide Release on 30th MARCH in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi, Natural Star @NameisNani @KeerthyOfficial @odela_srikanth @Music_Santhosh”
Dasara is an action drama film written and directed by debutant Srikanth Odela, a protégé of Sukumar. It also stars Keerthy Suresh. The film is set in the backdrop of Singareni coal mines near Godavarikhani of Telangana.
Nani as Dharani is seen as wild and fearless slum dweller, who drinks, fights and looks for trouble wherever he can, but eventually finds the courage to challenge the system of oppression.
The film also stars Samuthirakani, Dheekshith Shetty, Shine Tom Chacko, Sai Kumar, Shamna Kasim and Sajol Chowdhury.
The film has music composed by Santhosh Narayanan. Dasara is scheduled for a theatrical release on 30 March 2023.
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