The official handle of Zee5 dropped the trailer on social media, it said, “Iss kahani mein hai khatra har mukaam pe, parr desh ke liye marr mitne ko hai tayyar kuch #JaanbaazHindustanKe, Premiering this Republic Day, only on #ZEE5 #JaanbaazOnZEE5 @samkhan @srijitmukerji @shanusinghrajputdp @neerajudhwani @ashmakerz @akhilesh__jaiswal @vineett_bat @the_wisemonk_ @kiratkandhari @azcouture_official @sidhantmalhotra09 @amarbirbajwa @pritha_nag @ankita_sarkar @reginaacassandraa @sumeetvyas @barunsobti_says @mitavasisht @gayathrieshankar @chandanroy.7 @deepikaaminofficial @sandishridhar @manish_kalra_ @nimishalok @juggernaut_in10 @in10medianetwork @Zee5global @zeestudiosofficial”
Regina will be seen essaying the role of an IPS Officer, who is part of anti-terrorism squad, pushing her physical and emotional boundaries to catch bombers and terrorist.
The edge-of-the-seat thriller focuses on Kavya, a woman IPS officer, played by Cassandra.
Produced by Juggernaut and helmed by director Srijit Mukherji, Jaanbaaz Hindustan Ke focusses on a woman IPS officer, and is set in Meghalaya. The series is inspired by true events and highlights the personal sacrifices and dedication by officers in uniform.
The series also stars Kavya Iyer, Sameer Gupta, Barun Sobti, Mahira Rizvi and Mita Vashisht. The series starts from 26th January 2023.
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